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Personal Development

Personal Development

Please view our Personal Development strategy – which is a summary of the work we do to promote pupils’ personal development.

Part of our Personal Development Strategy includes developing pupils’ holistic skills – and we are working in partnership with the Nourish Food School to bring parent/carer and child workshops to school for Key Stage 2 pupils, initially. We hope that this will help to tackle food poverty and give our families the tools and encouragement required to cook nutritious meals.

At St. Joseph’s Catholic Infant and Junior Schools, we hold Careers’ and Vocations Week, annually.

Careers Statement

The aim of our careers provision is consistent with the aims and values of our school, specifically ‘To prepare children for adult life and for productive roles at work, in the community, at home and at leisure by providing them with the necessary knowledge, concepts, skills and attitudes.’

In preparation for the Gatsby Benchmarks covered in KS3 and 4 (see below), our school ensures pupils have ambition and aspiration through an understanding of different workplaces and roles.

A structured approach

We teach our children to understand that they can make a valued contribution to society. At  St. Joseph’s Catholic Infant and Junior Schools, we continue to pursue careers development via opportunities which include:

*our community links

*our family links

*our subject specific/curriculum links

*secondary school links

*online resources

*bespoke workplace activities, for example Nissan

Gatsby Benchmarks of Effective Careers Education

In 2013, Sir John Holman was commissioned by the Gatsby Foundation to research what pragmatic actions could improve career guidance in England and subsequently developed eight effective career guidance benchmarks.

Meeting the Gatsby Benchmarks

We were delighted that a number of our parents and governors were able to come into school to discuss their career with us. Our speakers discussed:

  • the journey into their chosen career
  • the qualifications they had and where you obtained them
  • what type of roles are available within their career
  • and what their job involves on a day to day basis.

Our speakers included:

  • Care Quality Commission Adult Social Care Inspector – Musician – drummer
  • Financial Manager and Analyst – Deacon
  • Consultation and Engagement Manager for a Local Authority
  • Paramedic – Nurse – Teacher
  • Product Manager Business Development Manager
  • Barrister
  • National Institute of Health and Care Research


In addition to the above, we were delighted to receive the NHS Mini-Scrubs as part of the North East and North Cumbria Integrated Care Partnership for North encompassing Northumberland, North Tyneside, Newcastle and Gateshead. Where 25 roles within the NHS are assigned to a ‘mini-scrub’, along with an information card. The mini-scrubs are perfectly sized for our pupils enabling:

a) role play to take place

b) an opportunity to experience ‘life inside the scrubs’

c) time to absorb information about how the profession/career contributes to the workings of the NHS.

For more information visit:

‘Mini scrubs’ project aims to open up health and social care jobs to schoolchildren :: Northumbria Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust

National Institute of Health and Care Research

As part of our commitment to pupils’ personal development, we ensure that pupils are ready for life in modern Britain by reinforcing fundamental British values.

We also teach about the importance of democracy and hosted Liz Twist MP, as part of Parliament and Democracy Week.

We know that personal development doesn’t end here – it’s like our curriculum – ‘a never-ending story’. Therefore, our enrichment activities include a wide variety of activities including and ranging from arts and crafts, to Korean club, football, gymnastics, rugby and cookery. Another non-statutory part of our provision is Korean Club – funded in full by the Korean Government. This is further evidence of our commitment for our pupils to embrace a multi-cultural society and develop skills outside of the national curriculum. A half-termly sporting club offer at both schools to ensure that there is something for everyone.

Our children take on additional roles including: Eco-Council and Mini-Vinnies and we also have a Head Boy, Head Girl and Deputies – who help to lead our school.

Our curriculum is pitched so that we can offer a variety of extra-curricular enrichment visits including:

Gibside Outdoor Activities

  • Chopwell Woods Adventure Team Building Day Moor House Farm
  • Shildon Locomotion Newcastle Discovery Museum Newcastle Hancock Museum

We also recognise that personal development begins before children come to school – and we take this seriously. We run a weekly toddler session at St. Joseph’s Catholic Infant School, to help forge links between our very youngest children and the setting that many parents choose for their children to attend for their Reception-aged child.

Barhaugh Hall, Alston, Cumbria

At St. Joseph’s Catholic Infant and Junior Schools, Birtley, we recognise the vast contributions that our lessons, educational-visits and enrichment experiences bring to the pupils in our care. Year 6 participate in a yearly residential to either Howtown or more recently, Barhaugh Hall – Robinwood, at Alston. Barhaugh Hall – Robinwood

Barhaugh Hall is set in over 9 acres of land and lies on the Cumbria / Northumbria border. For those wishing to have a wonderful experience in a really beautiful part of the countryside, Barhaugh Hall will certainly not disappoint. The views over the valley are breathtaking whatever the weather and it is often possible to spot some of the varied wildlife living in the area such as deer, red squirrels and hares.

Once at the centre all activities are on site and have been adapted and developed over the years to provide a fun and challenging experience for everyone. The close proximity of every session means there is no time wasted and children are constantly kept busy and entertained on one of our many exciting sessions.

Accommodation at the centre is set in a magnificent 18th century building. The children get to share a dormitory with their friends whilst the teachers get their own en-suite rooms to relax in at night. The most unusual but wonderful room is placed at the top of the folly tower for those teachers wishing for a fairy-tale stay.

The centre has fantastic indoor provision for three challenging high activities; an impressive climbing wall, crate challenge with emphasis on teamwork and trapeze with platform options to leap from two different levels. Indoor provision means that these high activities can continue whatever the weather.

There are further indoor areas in the grounds for the Dungeon and Piranha Pool; wonderful themed problem solving areas developed by the staff team.The indoor provision will probably be most important for the many schools who attend Barhaugh Hall from November through to March each year, but there remains plenty of opportunity to enjoy outdoor activities in the beautiful setting of the grounds surrounding the activity centre.

Children visiting the centre will not only get to experience new and exciting challenges but will have the opportunity to grow in confidence and discover new skills and abilities whilst being led and guided all the way by the fun and highly motivated staff team.

Sporting Opportunities

We take competitive and participatory sport seriously and in conjunction with our cluster and the Gateshead Schools’ Sports Partnership, we enjoy the following activities:

Y5/6 Sports hall athletics Whole-school basketball competition Gymnastics festival

Dodgeball championships Y5/6 Bee netball Y3/4 Mini-basketball

Dance festival (March) Football league (Autumn and Spring)

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Updated | 9th November, 2024 |
